Arms & Abs
16 Episodes
Arms & Abs, name a more dynamic duo. This series of workouts combines challenging arm sequences with 360 degree core work.
07:41Episode 1
Arms & Abs - 7 mins
Episode 1
No props needed for this quick and spicy arm & ab burner.
09:35Episode 2
Arms & Abs - 10 mins
Episode 2
This video uses a pilates ball to target low abs and arms.
13:27Episode 3
Arms & Abs with Light Weights - 13 mins
Episode 3
Work your arms and abs using light weights and body weight.
08:34Episode 4
Arms & Abs - 8 mins
Episode 4
heavier weights (two 5lb weights) are used to target arms & abs.
11:17Episode 5
Standing Abs & Arms - 10 mins
Episode 5
Arms & Abs using light weights - 14 mins
Episode 6
Arms & Abs using light weights - 14 mins
09:15Episode 7
Arms & Abs - 10 mins
Episode 7
Use light weights to target your arms and abs in this signature Assembly series.
10:11Episode 8
Tricep & Oblique Target - 10 mins
Episode 8
Target the sides of your waist and the backs of your arms in this 10 minute target video. A light set of handweights is used to amp up the resistance.
16:52Episode 9
Arms & Abs with a mini band - 15 mins
Episode 9
Use a mini band with light to medium resistance for this sequence that targets your upper body and core.
13:35Episode 10
Standing Arms & Abs - 13 mins
Episode 10
Use a light set of weights to work your upper body and core. You'll be on your feet this entire class!
09:33Episode 11
Arms & Abs - 10 mins
Episode 11
This arms & abs workout uses light weights to focus in on core stability.
07:54Episode 12
Arms & Abs - 8 mins
Episode 12
09:27Episode 13
Abs & Abs - 10 mins
Episode 13
11:27Episode 14
Inner Thighs + Obliques - 10 mins
Episode 14
Inner thighs and obliques are a perfect match for working on core stability. Use a pilates ball for this series that targets your adductors and sides of your waist.
16:07Episode 15
Arms + Abs - 15 mins
Episode 15
A looped mini resistance band is used throughout this challenging arms & abs sequence. The tension created from the band will fatigue the muscles in your core and arms while helping with proper alignment as you push to your edge.
14:49Episode 16
Arms & Abs - 15 mins
Episode 16
Work your arms and abs from every angle in this 15 minute class.